Jan Matto Partner
Personal quote / vision
Digitalization is everywhere and a vital part of our society and economy. For organizations, digitization is not just a tool, but is part of strategy, processes, products and services. It forms the connection with the market and other stakeholders and is partly determining the job satisfaction of employees. This makes IT audit and consulting multifaceted where multiple viewpoints and disciplines always play a role.
Specialist experience
- IT auditor (RE) and Registered Informatician (RI)
- Consulting on IT issues
- IT Governance and risk management
- Third Party Assurance reports including ISAE 3402, ISAE 3000, SOC 2, DigiD assessments and ENSIA audits
- Information security, cybersecurity assessments, penetration testing
Specific customer experience
- IT sector (Technology, Media, Telecom), including: cloud service providers, indentity and authentication services
- Financial sector: fintech companies, pension funds, payment providers, banks
- Diversity of enterprises including, port companies, (online) retail, transportation and logistics
- Government agencies and various not-for-profit organizations
- International experiences
Education and work experience
- 1990 - 1992 | Erasmus University Rotterdam | IT auditing
- 1993 - 2001 | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Lecturer
- 2021 - present I Free University I Lecturer Enterprise Security IT Architecture
- 1998 - 2024 | Mazars | Partner IT Audit & Advisory | Global Leader Cyber Security & Data Protection
- 2024 - present | Forvis Mazars | Partner IT Audit & Advisory | Global Leader Cyber Security & Data Protection
Additional positions
- NOREA Commission of admission and accreditation IT Audit courses Universities
- NOREA Committee on professional regulations
- Lecturer in IT auditing and computerization at VU University Amsterdam
- Sounding board group Online Trust Coalition, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Jan Matto
- De NIS2-richtlijn: hoe bereidt u zich voor?
- Cybersecurity health check
- Forvis Mazars Certification Hub
- Identifying and solving of digital issues
- Privacy Compliance
- Data Protection Impact Assessment
- Digital compliance
- Compliance based on digital laws and regulations
- System Audit
- Cybersecurity services
- Digital trust & digital assurance
- IT Audit & Assurance
Who we are
- Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) officieel van kracht
- Voorlichtingsmiddag | Intern rapporteren over de beheersing van digitale risico’s
- Rondetafel | Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- De Nederlandse Cybersecuritystrategie 2022-2028
- Introduction of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
- Voorlichtingssessie | Invoering Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
- Is uw goededoelenorganisatie weerbaar genoeg?
- DNB Good Practice Information Security: in control in four steps
- Voorlichtingsmiddag | Cybersecurity & data protection
- European Commission adopts adequacy decisions for personal data transfers to the United Kingdom
- Privacy benchmark for organizations: aware of the dangers and measures against privacy risks
- New mandatory model contract for transfer of personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
- Terugkijken: webinar ‘Bewust van uw privacyrisico’s’
- The risks of data breaches at educational institutions: what measures should they take?
- Privacy benchmark for educational institutions: aware of your privacy risks
- Terugkijken: webinar | Privacy voor onderwijsinstellingen
- Terugkijken: webinar 'Digitale footprint'
- Terugkijken: webinar 'Dreigingsbeeld digitale footprint: een onderbelicht terrein'
- OSINT benchmark: be aware of your digital footprint
- Terugkijken webinars 'Dreigingsbeeld digitale footprint'
- Staying connected despite the corona crisis: IT is the vital link
- Kennissessie Malware onder controle: preventie, detectie herstel en audit
- Kennissessie: Cybersecurity en compliancy
- ‘Onbekende digitale zichtbaarheid’ op het internet vaak beginpunt voor hackers
- GDPR is nabij - Is de ICT-dienstverlener klaar? Nee!
- Forvis Mazars University
- Debatteer mee en krijg inzicht in uw cyberrisico’s
- ESET en Mazars introduceren GDPR Compliance Checker
- Whitepaper: De AVG en de gevolgen voor organisaties