Webinar : Greenlighting eco-friendly solutions: addressing decision makers’ financial objections
17/11 webinar transition écologique et finance
The environmental transition involves a variety of industries and stakeholders in need for alignment. These agents do not necessarily speak the same language from the start but they share a common goal: getting green and blue projects on track. This Wave aims to address the financial angle of this challenge, with a view to facilitate decision-making, taking a large variety of parameters and externalities into account.
This Wave hosts two types of sessions:
- Concrete use cases shared by startups along with their financial challenges and objections.
- Masterclasses by the Mazars Energy Lab or Mazars financial engineering team.
- July 9 2020 - Mazars Masterclass on hydrogen powered bus lines business modelling.
- September 9 2020 - Pitch sessions by Hoali, Budget our Planet, Spygen, Le Pavé dans la Poele.
- September 21 2020 - Mazars financial clinic with 1:1 meetings with Hydroptere 2.0, I Clean My Sea, Stample, Nature & Us, Budget our Planet, Ekosea, FEVE Fermes d’Avenir.
November 17 2020 - 3 selected startups share their respective financial context and approach in a 10 minutes format using the tools and methodology provided. Participating investors and corporates join the Mazars and Waves of Change teams in challenging, assisting and providing relevant feedback, connections or next steps.
You haven’t been part so far but would like to join or present your use case on our next session? Click here
and let us know so we can share the relevant information with you.
- You are a BtoB startup with an environmental solution looking to raise funds, enter a new market, address financial objections related to profitability, costs, return on investment, etc.
- You represent an investor, big or small, looking to dig into new opportunities in the blue growth and green tech ecosystems.
- You are a corporate or public sector decision maker or change agent looking to collaborate with relevant partners in your organization’s transition: procurement, corporate finance, open innovation, CSR departments welcome!
Speakers :
- David COUTURIER, Associé Mazars
- Julien HENAULT, Manager Énergie et Environnement Mazars
Each group session is capped at 15 validated participants, in order to preserve quality and intimacy.