Godišnji izvještaji & Izvještaji o transparentnosti
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Set for growth: 2022/2023 annual report
In recent years, businesses, individuals and governments have encountered a succession of demanding circumstances, prompting the need for resilience, heightened adaptability, and strategic planning amid ongoing uncertainty. In face of this, Forvis Mazars is set to look to the future with a clear and forward-thinking vision to support our clients, people and communities in seizing opportunities for success and grow responsibly.
Financial statements 2020/2021
For the fiscal year 2020-2021, as ever, we are proud to publish our consolidated Financial Statements, jointly audited and presented under the International Financial Reporting Standards.
Growing with purpose: 2020/2021 annual report
As the world begins to emerge from the pandemic, the call for a more sustainable future has never been stronger. Businesses are facing increased pressure to grow more responsibly and sustainably, and Mazars remains more committed than ever to answering this call.
Godina kao nijedna do sada: Mazars objavio Godišnje izvješće 2019./2020.
Za ljude, tvrtke i društvo općenito, 2020. godina je bila kao nijedna do sada. Zbog globalne krize Covid-19 mnogi su se suočili s ekstremnim izazovima: mnogi pojedinci i obitelji su prerano izgubili svoje najmilije, životno su i egzistencijalno bili ugroženi ograničenjima kojima su se vlade, tvrtke i ostale institucije koristile za suzbijanje virusa. Poseban izazov za tvrtke je bio kako sačuvati živote i zadovoljiti potrebe društva na financijski održiv način.
Postizanje ravnoteže: Mazars objavljuje svoje godišnje izvješće za 2018.-2019.
Kad sagledamo 2020., sjetimo se svijetle budućnosti i optimizma, ali znamo da je ona zapravo bila vrijeme neizvjesnosti za mnoge naše dionike. U našem godišnjem izvješću ponovno potvrđujemo svoju predanost praćenju razvoja naših klijenata, pomažući im da se kreću u složenim okruženjima u kojima posluju i rastu na održiv način.
Stvaranje zajedničkih vrijednosti: Mazarsov godišnji izvještaj za 2017.-2018.
S našim godišnjakom za 2018., dijelom našeg godišnjeg izvještaja za 2017.-2018., gledamo unatrag i razmišljamo o našem internacionalnom rastu i razvoju. Također ulazimo u to tko smo mi, u našu povijest i vrijednosti, koristeći ovu priliku kako bismo dokazali posvećenost #MazarsForGood – to jest, da kao globalni građanin odano imamo pozitivan učinak na svijet i u zajednicama u kojima djelujemo. Želimo doprinijeti društvu na najbolji mogući način, bilo kroz pružanje kvalitetnih usluga našim klijentima da im pomognemo postići održivi rast, omogućujući našim talentiranim ljudima da dosegnu svoj najveći potencijal, ili pridonoseći javnoj debati s pozitivnim uvidom u budućnost.
Transformation: Forvis Mazars Group publishes its 2016-2017 Annual Report
At Forvis Mazars, more than ever, we believe that businesses can thrive only by creating shared value for all their stakeholders. Publishing our 2017 Yearbook is a way to take stock of what we have achieved this past year.
As a part of our 2016-2017 Annual Report, it also aims at providing a clear and global image of who we are and how we prepare the future. From open innovation to stewardship, from the future of the audit profession to our teams' perspective on the future, we have chosen to shed light from various angles on the notion of transformation.
As a part of our 2016-2017 Annual Report, it also aims at providing a clear and global image of who we are and how we prepare the future. From open innovation to stewardship, from the future of the audit profession to our teams' perspective on the future, we have chosen to shed light from various angles on the notion of transformation.
The modern firm: discerning, knowledge-intensive, agile, sustainable
Mazars’ 2016 Yearbook, part of the Group’s 2015-2016 Annual Report, is a journey through topics that are of paramount importance to us: leadership and entrepreneurship. Each article can be read alone, but all are closely tied to the concept of a Modern Firm. In order to illustrate this concept, we have chosen to explore four attributes, which define a modern firm: discerning, knowledge-intensive, agile and sustainable. Join our staff, our partners, our clients and all our other guests in this journey, from Rotterdam to Shanghai via Milan and Casablanca.